Earlier Post-Reset Beta Story Concept (Scrapped)

"Alex Anomaly - The Chaotic, Rough, Humorous Yet Chaotically Dark Draft.

The new description is supposed to sound like this:

Two humanoids named Alex and Viktor/Piyo accidentally create one of the most chaotic disasters to ever exist within the galaxy, after attempting to travelling back in time to save a mimiga.


- alex and victor live in an imperfect world, where all th [2023 EDIT #1: i didn't even finish writing this part back then, wtf?]

- alex is depressed about the cruel reality he's trapped in, and expresses that he kind of wishes was in a world where all mimigas were here, and that toroko was alive.

- victor, his anomalous brother, eavesdrops on his depressive episode and tries to do something about it.

- alex later finds his brother preparing a disturbing ritual, which requires victor's anomalous blood and a severed rabbit's foot

- alex tries to stop him, but victor puts the ritual into action, making mimigas (and other cave story critters) real in exchange of the toroko bandits and a brutal sekken war. 

[2023 EDIT #2: i think i more specifically meant a war between the toroko bandits [her insane and vengeful fans] against the sekkens for what balrog did. also how does time travel mix with this?]

- there were only 10 out of 100 universes that actually HAD toroko survive the whole event. but one of them lead to her dying in a car crash afterwards (conan the condemned)."


alex_120 (early unfinished demo).zip 250 MB
Nov 21, 2023

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